Colie Leung | Interior Designer



1. What is your nickname? Colieflower or Brocolie

2. What is your favourite food? Japanese food in Japan

3. What do you love most about the design profession? Making things look good and at the same time functional

4. What professional skill do you most admire in someone? High EQ

5. What’s your favourite building and/or landscape design? Forbidden City and the gardens inside

6. What super power do you wish you had? Teleport

7. If you weren’t an Interior Designer, what would you be? Art therapist

8. What is your hobby? There’s a lot, and so far cleaning is the all-time favourite

9. What is your most valuable professional quality? Honesty

10. What does the perfect day look like to you? Wake up without an alarm, have a coffee, then clean and detail my car, have another coffee under the sun - what happens after will still be a perfect day

11. How would your friends describe you? Detail-minded and kind

12. What move could you watch over and over again? Any of Wong Kar Wai’s films