HUEI EOW | Senior Architect


1. What is your favourite food? Korean BBQ

2. Who is your favourite Architect / Designer? FLW and Alvo Aalto

3. What professional skill do you admire most in someone?  Integrity

4. What are you most afraid of? Confined spaces (claustrophobia)

5. What is on your bucket list to travel to? Antarctica

6. If you were a super hero, who would you be? Witty and adventurous Spiderman

7. What super power do you wish you had? Mind reading

8. What is your hobby? Cycling

9. What’s your favourite T.V show? Brooklyn Nine-Nine

10. What does a perfect day look like to you? Morning skiing, afternoon sailing and sushi for dinner

11. What movie can you watch over and over again? Christopher Nolan’s “Memento”