Joel Lee | Associate | Melbourne Design Lead


1.  What is your favourite food? Chicken Rice!!

2. Who is your favourite Designer? Mies van der Rohe

3. What do you love most about the design profession? The process of conceptualising something and seeing it become reality

4. What professional skill do you most admire in someone? The ability to seemingly be across everything all at the same time

5. What are you most afraid of? Being perceived as ignorant and/or incompetent  

6. What’s your favourite building and/or landscape design? Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin

7. What place is on your bucket list to travel to? New York

8. What super power do you wish you had? Flight

9. What is your hobby? Playing the guitar and PC games (this was before having kids anyway)

10. What movie can you watch over and over again? The Raid: Redemption