Nirodha Senerath | Architectural Team


1. What is your favourite food? Krispy Kreme

2. What professional skill do you most admire in someone? Sense of being able to understand the other person

3. What are you most afraid of? Losing my loved ones

4. What place is on your bucket list to travel to? Africa and to see the Northern Lights!

5. If you were a superhero, who would you be? Jean Grey – X Men

6. What super power do you wish you had? To help anyone in need anytime

7. If you weren’t a designer, what would you be? A doctor

8. What is your hobby? Hand Sketching and Digital sketching (learning something new)

9. What’s your favourite T.V show? F.R.I.E.N.D.S

10. What is your ‘spirit animal’? Wolf